|  | - Real time display of the lot state and of every statisical data. Every screen is completely customisable in order to adapt it to the customer needs.
- Graphic display of the lot state (pie charts, Gaussian distributions, points charts).
- Connection with up to 5 independent approved scales, which allows control in the same weighing system of every weight zone forecasted by the law.
- Simultaneous control management (production lines): It's possible to manage up to 10 products simultaneously.
- Weight or volume (ml) check through the insertion of a specific gravity for every article.
- Manual or automatic presettable (automatic or calculated) auto-weighed tare; automatic annulment function of the tare at the end of the weighing operation.
- Selection of the data displayed on the LCD graphic display (totals, progressives, weights...).
- 15 identification texts/configurable and printable attributes, everyone with up to 16 types, for example: Code, lot ID, operator ID, turn number.
- 1000 articles database with 3 alphanumeric descriptions ,with a maximum of 20 types each, specific density, target weight, tolerance threshold (TU1, TU2, TO1, TO2), associated tare and needed check type, customising the function mode of the scale depending on the article.
- 100 operators database with 3 alphanumeric descriptions with a maximum of 20 types each.
- Automatic calculation and print of the lot report, with print formats completely customisable with more than 500 different data (weight data, descriptions, statistical data, barcodes, etc...)
- Production time control, fully customizable.
- Request for verification of pre-sampling scale calibration, via guided procedure.
- The new version offers K-factor customization for each item for specific productions not intended for export to Europe.
Note: Consult the technical user manual for more details.
Specific software for production checking which includes all the main check functions, either in sample statistic mode or in complete statistic mode according to Welmec 6.4 and 6.5. The touch screen interface shows in real time, every statistical data field with a chart or a numerical form. The simultaneous production lines check function allows up to 10 contemporaneous different articles check. CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501).